SDK Constants

This guide provides developers with an understanding of the constants exposed in DottedSign Embedded Signing SDK. These constants represent fixed values used throughout the SDK, providing a way to reference values without hardcoding them into your application.

Currently, there are two constant types: EMBED_TYPE and ELEMENTS_ID. Each constant type offers several items for users to utilize. You can reference them using the following syntax:



EMBED_TYPE represents the various embedding modes provided by DottedSign Embedded Signing SDK.

Constant NameDescription
CREATEThe mode to create a task from scratch, either using a template or uploading documents.


ELEMENTS_ID specifies the HTML elements that will be displayed in the user interface. Its primary purpose is to allow users to toggle components, for example, using the hideElement() method.


The following ELEMENTS_ID constants are available for use in the CREATE embedding mode, corresponding to the UI components shown below.

Constant NameDescription
CREATE_FROM_TEMPLATEScreenshot 2024-06-04 at 10.20.02 PM.png
CREATE_ATTACHMENTSScreenshot 2024-06-04 at 10.07.30 PM.png
CREATE_PREVIEWScreenshot 2024-06-04 at 10.18.02 PM.png
CREATE_CONFIRM_LABELScreenshot 2024-06-04 at 10.14.58 PM.png