Sign a Task and Upload Attachments
This section will explain how to upload attachments during signing a task. The following steps assume that the task owner also requests OTP verification. If no verification is required, please remove verify_info
from the request body.
1. Request Sign a Task API
When requesting the Sign a Task API," include attachment_infos
with the uploaded
parameter set to false
, indicating that the attachment has not yet been uploaded. Additionally, incorporate the verify_info
referenced in the preceding section. The request body is as follows:
"sign_infos": [
"field_object_id": "DottedSignAPI_gwf793298fgh8",
"field_type": "textfield",
"field_value": "My Name"
"field_object_id": "DottedSignAPI_902j3d0hf92fd2",
"field_type": "signature",
"field_value": "555",
"field_value_type": "signature"
"attachment_infos": [
"attachment_id": "attachment_1688_1",
"attachment_type": "png",
"uploaded": "false"
"attachment_id": "attachment_1688_2",
"attachment_type": "pdf",
"uploaded": "false"
"verify_info": {
"uuid": "138bdac7-1e81-4662-be08-de68a8346a95",
"verify_data": "123123"
2. Retrieve the Attachment Upload Links from the Error Message
"error_code": 400051,
"error_message": "attachment not ready: attachment_not_ready",
"error_key": "attachment_not_ready",
"attachment_upload_link": {
"attachment_49417_1": {
"mission_id": 228629,
"upload_link": ""
"attachment_49417_2": {
"mission_id": 228630,
"upload_link": ""
"identity_verify_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdGFnZV90eXBlIjoiU2lnblN0YWdlIiwic3RhZ2VfaWQiOjQ5NDE3LCJ2ZXJpZnlfZm9yIjoiaWRlbnRpdHlfdmVyaWZ5IiwiY2xpZW50Ijoid2ViIiwiaXBfYWRkcmVzcyI6IjI0MDI6NzUwMDphNWY6ZDUzOmU5MmE6Njg4NTo2OGIxOjM2YzYiLCJ3b3JrX2lkIjoiZTNiNjQ2YjBhYTU1ZTJmOWJkMjc0ZDFlZDU2ZjQxY2Y2OTY5ZjU4Y2Y1OWE5NGIyYjc5ZjM1NDE2YmFlODg2MyIsInZlcmlmeV9hdCI6MTcxOTc2NTc2NSwidmVyaWZ5X3NvdXJjZSI6eyJFbWFpbCI6InJ5YW4ubGluK2d1ZXN0QGtkYW5tb2JpbGUuY29tIn0sInZlcmlmeV9vY2Nhc3Npb24iOiJzaWduIiwiZXhwaXJlZF9hdCI6MTcxOTc5NDU2NX0.ClQ2DWUIc2dmVVnnHUZKNhWkiJNoG9J3bLx2SxcgKcBcqmXAOq7cjjNFGMnq1u-xmnPwUeJU9HWasWxdavTxbQ"
3. Upload Attachments
Use the upload links (PUT method) and include the file (binary) in the request body to upload the respective attachment files.
For example:
curl --location --request PUT '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/pdf' \
--data '@-NjZTQU-B/10mb.pdf'
4. Complete Signing a Task
Include the same request body as in the second step, with the uploaded
parameter set to true
. Then, request the Sign a Task API again to complete signing this stage.
Note: Signing tasks that involve uploading attachments will be completed asynchronously.
Updated about 1 month ago