API Host

DottedSign API provides a unified domain for API integration.


API HostDescription
https://api.dottedsign.comThe main API domain for DottedSign.

Web Host

If your application's end users interact with DottedSign's web services (e.g. for signing tasks), ensure the following domains are included in your firewall's whitelist:


Web HostDescription
https://dottedsign.comThe main web domain for DottedSign.
https://member-center.kdanmobile.comDottedSign's member service.
https://receipt-center.kdanmobile.comDottedSign's receipt service.
https://signature-center.kdanmobile.comDottedSign's task management service.
https://socket-center.kdanmobile.comDottedSign's socket service.
https://dotted-sign.s3-accelerate.amazonaws.comAWS S3 services used by DottedSign.


If your application uses webhooks, you must whitelist the following IP addresses used by DottedSign API.


Webhook IPDescription IP address used by DottedSign API for sending webhook payloads.