Error Handling

For non-200 expected error responses, DottedSign API provides error information through the JSON response body.

Error Format

  "error_code": 400417,
  "error_key": "invalid_params",
  "error_message": "invalid params"
error_codeA specific error code from DottedSign API. The first three digits represent the corresponding status code, while the last three digits are a unique identifier for the specific error.
error_keyA key identifier for the error, serving as a concise reference to the type of error encountered.
error_messageA detailed message about the error, usually summarizing the cause or nature of the error.

Common Error Code

Error KeyError CodeDescription
400_002invalid_tokenThe token is invalid. Please ensure using the correct token in the request header.
400_003invalid_memberThe token is invalid. Please ensure using the correct token in the request header.
400_005invalid_clientThe client is invalid. Please register a valid Open API application and use the correct DottedSign API endpoints.
400_008invalid_scopeThe scope is invalid, typically during token exchange. Please refer to API Scope for proper scope definition.
400_033task_deletedThe task has been deleted.
400_417invalid_paramsThe parameters are invalid, typically due to incorrect parameter values or format errors.
403_002invalid_actionThe action is invalid to perform, typically related to incorrect application or token scope. Please refer to API Scope for more details.
403_032over_monthly_task_usageThe user exceeds task monthly creation limit. See DottedSign Pricing Plan for more details.
403_036task_not_accessibleThe task is inaccessible by the current user, typically due to incorrect task participants, or incorrect permission configured by task owner by the group admin.
403_044template_not_accessibleThe template is inaccessible by the current user, typically due to incorrect template owner, or incorrect permission configured by template owner or group admin.
404_431task_not_foundTask not found, possibly from incorrect task_id.
404_035template_not_foundTemplate not found, possibly from incorrect template_id.

For 500 internal server error, please refer to DottedSign customer support.