Create a task.

For this action, you can create a task either from a base64 encoded file, a template, or a file mission.

When creating a task from a template, only the files will be inherited. All other parameters must be provided in the request body.



This action represents a complete task creation process, including all available configurations, which is highly complex. For a simpler and faster way to create a task, please refer Quick create a task.


Read-Only Template

Please be aware that when using a read-only template, some attributes cannot be overridden, which include:

  • cc_infos, message, completed_message, references, and completed_references in task_setting
  • the signer count and sequence in stages
  • attachment_settings in stages
  • field_settings in stages (only the default option can be overridden)
  • review_settings in stages


Uploading Multiple Files

To create a task from multiple PDF files, please note the following points:

  • Create a file mission first to merge multiple PDF files into one PDF file and get the file_mission_id.
  • Use the file_mission_id to create a task with the merged PDF file.
  • If you choose to start the task after creation, the task will automatically start once the merged PDF file is ready.

scope: sign_tasks.general.write
available user plans: all (template and certain verify_type and field_type restrictions apply)

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!